HOME > Dream > A dream of being a capital in a school or library, or something like that. A dream of being a capital in a school or library, or something like that. 2yahp | 16:47 | 2023-07-14 Explore deep learning and truth and discover new materials. Make a creation. Other Dreams Related to 'capital':A dream of falling down while playing the capital.A dream of being a capital in a school or library, or something like that.A dream of seeing a well or a capital suddenly popping up that was not originally in the house.A dream with a white flash of light or something like that in the capital area.A dream of no water coming out of the capital.Other Dreams Related to 'library':A dream of being a capital in a school or library, or something like that.A dream of finding books in a library, etc.A dream in which white carnations bloom in a library or study.A dream where peony blossoms bloom beautifully in a large library or bookstore.A dream of finding a book in the libraryOther Dreams Related to 'school':A dream of going on a picnic or a school trip with friends.A dream in which the school flag flutters in the windA dream where you can see many tall buildings on the campus of a school.A dream of being a capital in a school or library, or something like that.A dream of riding a white horse into the main gate of the school.Other Dreams Related to 'something':A dream of receiving an amulet from a prophet, or something like that.A dream in which a pregnant woman has a Buddha statue or something like that.A dream of pulling something out of one’s stomachA dream of stealing somethingA dream that something got stuck in my throat and I couldn’t spit it out. Related tags : somethingthroat