HOME > Dream > A dream of buying two or three fish from the market and bringing them home. A dream of buying two or three fish from the market and bringing them home. 2yahp | 08:48 | 2021-06-03 It will be financed or paid by institutions, organizations or companies. Other Dreams Related to 'fish':A dream of roasting and eating fish or new kinds of meat.A dream of fishing for fishA dream to see a large number of big fish in a pond floating dead.A dream of getting or buying dried side dishes such as fish, pork, etc.A dream of buying fish-shaped bunsOther Dreams Related to 'market':A dream of selling soy sauce on the market or giving it to others.A dream of buying vegetables, fruits, etc. from the marketA dream of buying fruit from the marketThe dream of buying fruits in the marketA dream of buying dead octopus from the market. Related tags : marketoctopus