HOME > Dream > A dream to see a blue snake drooping its body down on a mountain. A dream to see a blue snake drooping its body down on a mountain. 2yahp | 21:26 | 2020-01-13 It would be a conception dream to have a great child who would be the head of an institution or social organization, or it would write a sensational work. Other Dreams Related to 'body':A dream in which the body rotts in places and decomposes or blooms.The dream of white maggots crawling over the dead bodyA dream of taking a bullet out of one’s bodyA dream in which a body is covered with a single blanket.A dream in which the body fell into the ground by itselfOther Dreams Related to 'mountain':Dreams of getting rid of the mountain.A dream of excavating golden dragon pottery from the ground at the top of the mountain.A dream of visiting the scenic mountainA dream of climbing a mountain with a burden on one’s shoulders.A dream that looks like a mountain of booksOther Dreams Related to 'snake':A dream of sleeping with a pretty flower snakeThe dream of a snake winding a cucumberA dream where a snake swallowed a knife or cut a big snake to death.A dream in which a big snake hides through a small hole.The dream of a big snake coiling a tiger Related tags : snaketiger