HOME > Dream > A dream with a white flash of light or something like that in the capital area. A dream with a white flash of light or something like that in the capital area. 2yahp | 03:21 | 2023-03-20 One’s long-cherished desire comes true, and one’s big realization comes to the fore. Without saying anything, I wish for hope only in my heart, abandoning my self-interest and oblivion. Other Dreams Related to 'area':A dream in which a vast area, such as a large village or vast field, is submerged.A dream with a white flash of light or something like that in the capital area.A dream of pointing out and explaining an area on a map.A dream where it rains so much that the whole village and the surrounding area are flooded.A dream that comes and goes in the KEPCO area.Other Dreams Related to 'capital':A dream of falling down while playing the capital.A dream of being a capital in a school or library, or something like that.A dream of seeing a well or a capital suddenly popping up that was not originally in the house.A dream with a white flash of light or something like that in the capital area.A dream of no water coming out of the capital.Other Dreams Related to 'flash':A dream of a white flash pouring over one’s standing head.A dream with a flash of light in the sky, accompanied by a loud noiseA dream with a white flash of light or something like that in the capital area.A dream where a UFO appeared and flashed a silver flash.A dream in which the river dries up in a flash.Other Dreams Related to 'light':A dream in which rays of light extend from heaven to earth.A dream in which a tiger runs away or glares with a light in his eyes.A dream in which the opal stone with a blue light glistening in front of one’s eyes.A dream in which light is emitted from spiritual objects such as the Virgin Mary.A dream of seeing aurora lightOther Dreams Related to 'something':A dream of receiving an amulet from a prophet, or something like that.A dream in which a pregnant woman has a Buddha statue or something like that.A dream of pulling something out of one’s stomachA dream of stealing somethingA dream that something got stuck in my throat and I couldn’t spit it out. Related tags : somethingthroat