A dream engraved with a name or phrase on a large rock.
Dreaming of a name or phrase engraved on a large rock will change the sign or title of an institution, and seeing the in...
Dreaming of a name or phrase engraved on a large rock will change the sign or title of an institution, and seeing the in...
A sign of making love or falling into temptation.
A dream of walking along the footprints made by someone, footprints in the snow or footprints in the sand means that peo...
A sign of making a lot of money a lucky dream
Making a lot of money with a small amount of money, achieving a great job, and a sign of good luck.
Churches and cathedrals are places of worship, prayer, and hymns, which ideologically symbolize truth, goodness, achieve...
Eggs are an auspicious symbol of possibility, development, and regeneration. It also symbolizes marriage. If you have be...
Books sometimes have the same meaning in dreams and in reality, but they also symbolize truth acquisition, method search...
When rabbits flock into the house, they retrieve the prices of goods sold to various clients and bring in wealth and mon...
A sign that you’re going to do something that’s popular with people, or that you’re going to do well a...