A dream of the number 100.
If you dream about the number 100, it will bring you great luck, meaning you will make a big mark.
If you dream about the number 100, it will bring you great luck, meaning you will make a big mark.
If you dream about the number 11, you will be working with someone. It means re-launching and re-starting.
If you dream about the number 10, you try a new job in a groundbreaking way that you’ve never seen before. Means s...
You get results, you get achievements, and you make a lot of money at the same time.
The increasing number of employees in the family and subordinate sectors will be honored and prosperous.
The dream of having a large number of mourners following him when he goes out to the bier means that the larger the numb...
A son’s conception dream
It represents ten, ten, satisfied, filled, etc. and is a number that is associated with the concepts of the highest, nor...
Dreaming about the number two symbolizes ambivalence between men and women: love, conflict, division, quarrel and good a...
God-given blessings touch a fortune. It’s good fortune for windfall, wealth, money, luck, etc.