A dream of having a vivid five-color paper.
If you dream of having a vivid five-color paper, you will soon be able to collect wealth.
If you dream of having a vivid five-color paper, you will soon be able to collect wealth.
When money from others turns into paper, they follow someone’s coercive orders.
New literary works will be created and submitted.
In the case of children, it is related to academic performance, and in the case of adults, it is related to business suc...
You’ll get good news or get a letter of acceptance of the exam.
To follow sb.’s coercive demands, instructions, orders, etc
It is a nightmare warning of an economic crisis.
You should be careful because you may lose your honor, you may be forced to step down from your current position or lose...
Loss of property or financial damage. If a lot of bills or coins fall from the sky like hail, you will get the best luck...
Two moving works are widely known through the media.