A dream of measuring the depth of water with a tree or wire instead of a ruler.
It would be easy to ask an agency to do so, and how long it would take.
It would be easy to ask an agency to do so, and how long it would take.
The restoration of national sovereignty and the constitutional amendment of a new political party will be given the high...
You will enjoy movies of wealth and success, such as taking on any heavy responsibility, important tasks, and increasing...
You will succeed in life, enjoy wealth and prosperity, and when you are lucky to succeed, you will be able to achieve al...
Be able to judge the value of a job or own a position, right, business base, etc. to be compared to that length.
If they pass a certain test, they will be elected to the National Assembly or local councils to achieve their wishes.
It symbolizes things such as defense, rights, value judgments, achievements, limits, etc.
Dreaming of the death of a nation’s ruler exemplifies new politics, such as the restoration of national sovereignt...