A dream of getting a spoon
With a conception dream, the owner becomes a businessman or a person who will not feel the pinch of diet.
With a conception dream, the owner becomes a businessman or a person who will not feel the pinch of diet.
A sign of a harmonious family and the size of a pot or pot. Also, spoons suggest that there will be more family members ...
The dream of getting a silver spoon gives birth to a handsome son with a high personality.
A spoon is a tool used to eat food, and since food in a dream usually symbolizes work, a spoon can be seen as a means of...
Either business means, means, abilities, employees, or family members are lost or work is stopped.
Accidents occur due to acute diseases, accidents, deaths, and government accidents. The Grim Reaper is breaking in.
As wealth and offspring increase, business and family life become stable, prosperous and wealthy. Rust, damage, or amput...
If you dream of getting a gold spoon, a gold glass, a gold candle, a gold flag, you live richly and succeed in business.
Dreaming of getting a spoon means that a child will live well without becoming a businessman or living in need in the fu...
A pregnant woman’s dream of miscarriage