HOME > Dream > The dream of climbing up a tree and breaking a branch and falling to the ground. The dream of climbing up a tree and breaking a branch and falling to the ground. 2yahp | 09:18 | 2021-05-16 It will face a liquid crystal that suffers from unexpected mishaps, failures, and disabilities. Other Dreams Related to 'branch':A dream in which several magpies sit on a branch.The dream of walking down the street and catching a flower branch.The dream of a blooming azalea branch crossing over the fence next door.The dream of an owl sitting on a fence or a branch in front of the house.A dream of breaking a branch that was hanging by hand or stepping on.Other Dreams Related to 'ground':A dream in which the body fell into the ground by itselfA dream of excavating golden dragon pottery from the ground at the top of the mountain.A dream of wandering around trees like a flat ground.A dream in which tangerines fall to the ground from a ship.A dream lying on the ground everywhereOther Dreams Related to 'tree':A dream in which a big tree breaks in the middle.A dream in which a large tree tilts or branches extend forward.A dream in which only one pear tree is open or similar.The dream of digging up the flower tree rootsA dream in which a crane cries gracefully on an old pine tree. Related tags : cranepinetree